11 November 2015

Austrian Cultural Forum

Young Austria Book Launch

To mark the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Austria

the Art Association Kunstplatzl invited to events

Austrian Refugees in Britain:
The Fight Against Fascism in WWII

Patrons: Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador to UK

Mr. Robin O'Neill, Chairman of the Anglo-Austrian Society


Hans Fleischner and Martin Frank

Thanks for your visit!


Austrian Cultural Forum, London, Nov. 2015, photo by Martin Frank

Simon Smith, former British Ambassador to Austria in 2012, Wolf Suschitzky (cameraman, photographer) and Sonja Frank; photo by Hans Fleischner


Austrian Cultural Forum, London, Nov. 2015,
by Hans Fleischner

Mr. Simon Smith and Mr. Robin O'Neill, Wolf Suschitzky and others; photo by Hans Fleischner

Sonja Frank; photo by Hans Fleischner


Dr. Marietta Bearman and Charmian Brinson, photo by Hans Fleischner

Film presentation and picture of Erich Herzl - the iniatiator of this project; photo by Hans Fleischner

Dr. Marietta Bearman, Wolf Suschitzky, Sonja Frank, Dir. Elisabeth Kögler and Simon Smith; photo by Hans Fleischner


Young Austrians, friends and Sonja Frank; photo by Hans Fleischner

Kunstplatzl Doku-Team and Dir. Elisabeth Kögler and ACF members; photo by Hans Fleischner

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26. November 2015 Verein KunstPlatz